Our Residential Inpatient Program
When you reach out for treatment for dependency issues, you will find there are many options available. Generally, these can be categorized as inpatient and outpatient treatment. Inpatient involves the patient receiving care while living in the facility while outpatient means the person splits their time between therapy and everyday life.
The information below will give you a clear understanding of what life is like in an inpatient drug rehab center in Los Angeles so you can determine if this is the choice that’s right for you.

What Exactly is Drug & Alcohol Inpatient Treatment?

If you check into an inpatient alcohol rehab in Los Angeles, here is an idea of what you can expect.
Detox is typically the first step of the rehab process. This is the stage when the patient will allow their body to become free of toxins.
The body will experience withdrawal symptoms as it adjusts to not having the drugs in its system. These symptoms can be quite unpleasant and severe. Many patients will start using it again so they can feel ‘well’.
If you go through detox in an inpatient drug rehab in Los Angeles, you’ll have a better chance of making it through. The staff will stay by your side to ensure you stay as comfortable as possible. They will provide a soothing atmosphere and administer medications to reduce symptoms as needed. They will supervise you to see to it that relapse doesn’t occur.
After detox is completed, therapy will be administered. The center will determine your situation to come up with a therapy plan that’s right for you. Generally, the treatment will aim to find the underlying cause of addiction and replace the urge to use with healthy coping mechanisms.
And while therapy will be a big part of your day, it’s not all you’ll be doing. You will also get to meditate and reflect. Social activities and outings will be planned, and meals will be served.
After you complete therapy, you will be released into the ‘real world’. The adjustment period can be stressful as you will face difficult situations without having drugs and alcohol to fall back on. You will also see the places you used to use at and the people you used to use with.
However, the facility will continue to provide support and treatment to ensure you maintain sobriety.
What Sets Us Apart
Support & Care
We believe the road to recovery begins and ends with a caring and empathic support team.
Our staff is all highly skilled and trained in the up-to-date techniques and recovery procedures.
Passion For Results
We take pride in what we do and in helping our clients find long-lasting relief and recovery.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient: Which is Right For Me?
Inpatient and outpatient treatments both have their share of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some things to consider.
Outpatient treatment is cheaper. It also gives you the freedom to move on with everyday life as you go through therapy. It can be an ideal option if you can’t take off work for treatment or if you need to take care of a child or elderly family member. However, outpatient treatment will not be effective unless you have a home life that supports it. If you live in an environment where there is abuse and/or drug use, you won’t have the opportunity to escape addiction and heal properly.
But regardless of your environment, outpatient care tends not to be as effective as inpatient care.
When you go for inpatient care, you are looked after 24/7 to ensure relapse doesn’t occur. You are taken outside of everyday life giving you time to reflect on your past ways. This allows you to become inspired to make a change.
You will also be removed from temptations that lead you to use. For example, even people with a caring home life will still be near to the people they used with and the places they used at making them more likely to go back to doing drugs.
Residential treatment centers in Los Angeles take you away from drug environments so you can achieve sobriety free of temptation.
Inpatient treatment is not a realistic option for everyone, but it is the most effective course of care when it comes to overcoming dependency issues.
How To Find the Best Residential Treatment in Los Angeles

There are many factors to consider when looking for an inpatient drug rehab center in Los Angeles that’s right for you. Here are some things you will want to think about.
Assisted Detox: The clinic should provide an assisted detox program to ensure you make it through this difficult stage of recovery. Staff should be available to keep you as comfortable as possible and supervise you to minimize the risk of relapse.
Therapy: The inpatient alcohol rehab Los Angeles you choose should offer a customized therapy plan that’s right for you. They should integrate evidence-based treatment that ensures long-term recovery.
Environment: Rehab facilities offer different environments that range from cozy and comfy to luxury. At the very least, you will want to go with one that offers a clean and soothing atmosphere.
Staff: The staff at the center should be experienced with helping people overcome dependency issues and they should have a proven track record of success. They should also have a high staff-to-patient ratio ensuring you get the help you need when you need it.
Insurance: Inpatient treatment can be expensive. The inpatient alcohol rehab Los Angeles you choose should accept your insurance so you can keep costs down.
Aftercare: The rehab you decide to check into should offer aftercare continuing to provide support after you leave the facility. This will minimize the risk of relapse.
There are many residential treatment centers in Los Angeles, but Elevations takes an approach that sets us apart. Here is what is included in our recovery program.
Medical Detox
Detox is the first stage of our recovery program. We use medications to treat withdrawal symptoms ensuring our patients stay comfortable through this difficult stage. We supervise throughout the process to provide a soothing environment and we see to it that relapse doesn’t occur.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Many people start using drugs to treat an underlying medical condition. They may be dealing with an emotional disorder like anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Instead of reaching out for help, they self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.
Although the drugs provide a temporary fix, ultimately, they lead you on a downward spiral.
We address the underlying cause of addiction simultaneously treating both dependency issues and the disorder. This makes for a long-lasting recovery that decreases the likelihood of relapse.
Medically Assisted Treatment
In addition to therapy, we also provide medications to patients to reduce the urge to use. We administer Suboxone, Subutex, and Vivitrol all of which are effective in making the effects of opioids less pleasurable to reduce the urge to use. Vivitrol can also be used to reduce dependency on other types of drugs and alcohol.
Patients may also be given anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications to treat underlying issues.
Luxury Boutique Environment
Our inpatient alcohol rehab Los Angeles offers a luxury boutique environment. Our facility comes with all the amenities of upscale living. We have just six beds providing a private atmosphere that’s conducive to recovery.
Terrific Staff
We have a highly skilled staff and a 2:1 staff to patient ratio.
We Accept Insurance
Our facility accepts various types of insurance. You can check in advance to find out if you are covered.